Autumn’s Transformation

Changing Seasons

I awoke to the sound of raindrops dancing diligently upon the roof accompanied by a soft cool breeze drifting gently through the window below. The smell of autumn hangs in the air. Change is upon us once again.

This is the time of year when nature shows us how simple and gentle change can be. Once vibrant green leaves turn to a chorus of yellow, red and orange. In due time they will gently bid farewell to the trusted limb they clung to all summer long, and in that release they will pirouette gracefully to the ground. Natures supreme lesson in the act of letting go.

For those of us here in the Pacific Northwest rain becomes a welcome and constant visitor. For others snow will soon become theirs. That is if we are lucky. Clear blue skies are often cherished, but it is the moisture that falls from the sky that truly nourishes all that is alive.

The art of transformation…

Clouds shapeshift as they glide across the sky to remind us transformation is inevitable. Animals are tuned into the seasonal changes too and begin their own transformation. Ruts and rituals begin. Great migrations—centuries old—begin again.

Life is in continual motion — shifting, changing, transforming.

This year of 2020 has been a vivid reminder of life shifting and changing, even though it often felt still of motion. But even in the stillness life moved on. Nature became a sanctuary for many. When we couldn’t feel the embrace of a loved one, we could embrace a beloved tree. Flowers bloomed to remind us beauty could still be found. Animals frolicked about to remind us joy could still be found. Birds sang their delightful songs to remind us harmony could still be found. Hummingbirds fluttered through the air to remind us that magical moments could still be found.

It is well-known that trees live within a large family community. They support each other by sharing nutrients with other trees in need and warn others of approaching danger. And all the while they are also supporting us by cleansing the air we breathe and providing us with life-sustaining oxygen. But what happens when Nature is pushed to her limit? This was another harsh lesson we were reminded of in 2020. For aside from a pandemic and all its reminders, wildfire’s flared up in record size and numbers consuming the skies with smoke and ash. For those of us outside the immediate fire zone, Mother Nature issued her own stay at home order due to hazardous air quality throughout much of the west. Now instead of having nature to turn to during local stay at home orders, Mother Nature gave us no choice but to shelter securely inside—windows closed tight breathing what fresh air our homes had to offer.

We are not out of the woods of 2020 yet, but I like to believe much will be learned from the experiences thrust upon us. They will no doubt be different for each one of us, but as always we can look to nature for guidance and strength when we need it most. For it is that connection that I hope blossomed for many throughout this year.

So this fall continue to look to nature and follow her cues. 

Bend when a breeze blows into your life. Let go of the things that no longer serve you. Embrace moments of transformation. Nurture yourself and those around you. Support your fellow being the way you would like to be supported.

Yes nature has much to teach us there is no question there. The true question is are we paying attention and learning from her subtle and not so subtle lessons?




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7 Responses to Autumn’s Transformation

  1. Joyce Wagar October 25, 2020 at 10:50 am #

    Thank you for your lovely post. I especially like your comments of the community of trees. If you haven’t read Overstory by Powers, you might like. Yes nature heals.

    • Karen B. Shea October 25, 2020 at 3:50 pm #

      I have read many books on trees but I have not read Overstory but I will! Thank you, Joyce!

  2. Patricia October 25, 2020 at 6:04 pm #

    Your connection to nature and observation of all living things so beautifully and eloquently phrased. You paint such beautiful pictures with your words, you are an artist Karen!


    • Karen B. Shea October 26, 2020 at 11:58 am #

      Such kind words coming from a wonderful artist such as yourself, I thank you!

  3. Sandra J Hendricks October 26, 2020 at 1:01 pm #

    Beautiful and inspiration. Thank-you for sharing.

  4. Sue Dockstader October 27, 2020 at 3:49 pm #

    Enjoying the change of seasons along with you a little further south in WA as I watch and learn the art of publishing a children’s book. Planning to follow your lead and blog more in the future!